Working in Matter’s Portland office has many great perks, like the city’s love of all things food, however when offered the chance to work from the Newburyport office for part of the week I jumped at the chance to spend time in company headquarters. Matter’s emphasis on bi-coastal teams brings opportunity to interact with many of our NBPT based colleagues, so settling into the office was like a friendly field trip.
Being a part of these bi-coastal teams gives me insight into their perks:
1. Extra Client Service Time
Having team members on the East Coast up and running three hours prior to the West Coast team, and having the West Coast team online for three hours after the end of the day East Coast creates a higher level of access for the client.
2. In Person Meeting Availability
In PR, we know that there is great value to in person meetings, not only with the press, but with the client as well. Having team members on opposite coasts means that we are easily able to navigate to a close office to meet with our clients, having a friendly and familiar face in the room in addition to those on the phone. This means that we are more able to integrate into the clients day to day, gaining valuable insight into the operations and needs in house.
3. Breaking News Capability
Should news break at 7:00 pm ET there is no need to panic, the West Coast team has you covered. Similarly, if news breaks at 8:00 am ET, the East Coast team is able to jump on the opportunity and pull information together, pitch and have the West Coast team brought up to speed before they even get to the office.
Making the trip from Portland to Newburyport gave me even greater appreciation for the teams that I am a part of and the work that we do across both the East and West Coast.