Matter Employee Spotlight: Jennifer Karin, Vice President

By Matter

<p>As head of the Precision group at Matter, Jennifer Karin helps start-ups and established companies identify and hone this relevancy to shape the communications strategies that help businesses grow. We recently caught up with her to hear more about her passions, the future of public relations, and advice for new PR professionals.</p>
<p><span style=Name: Jennifer Karin

Title: Vice President

Years at Matter: 5

What fuels your passion outside of work?

My sons, because of their crystal-clear view of justice, freedom, and equality. I have great faith in younger generations and it fills my soul. They are here to move society forward, not profit from it. Because I am not from their generation, I will soon figure out how to make a LOT of money off their views.  

What is your favorite part of working in PR?

A role you fill, an event you attend, a memory you cherish… I attend the University of What is New and Exciting (UWNE) every day. I travel to different geographies, discover new industries, meet the innovators, and hear how lives have changed in a multitude of ways, all without leaving my desk. And then we at Matter have the great honor of introducing these things to the world. If you are a lifelong learner, and want to discover something new every day, PR is the career for you.

What do you think PR will look like in 5 years?

Paper will make a comeback. Three entrepreneurs will be squinting into their wearable technology, and one will say, “You know what would be cool beans? If we took all this digital information and printed it out on paper.” (The expression “cool beans” will also come back in the future.) And on this paper will be a renewed pursuit of facts – vetted, objective information in long form that presents the truth not swayed by opinion. We’re currently in the middle of the bell-shaped curve for user-submitted content, blog posts, and native advertising. We’ll gravitate toward an editorial process once again, with an appreciation for the written word and the oxford comma.

What is your key piece of advice for PR pros that are new to the business?

Understand journalism and its intent. Ask yourself, what do you want the reporter to do, how does it align with your agenda, and how can you help that person file their story? In other words, it’s not about you. It’s about the headline, the lede, the context, the quotations, and the take-away. Before approaching any reporter, think of the one thing that would make his or her job easier.