Thoughts From the Ski Slope

By Matter

Last week was rough. The first week back from vacation always is, but the first week back from a vacation and the holidays…ouch. While back to the grind after a week crammed with family, friends, parties, food, gifts and skiing, I recalled some serious thoughts that I had on the slopes about my career.

Jumping off the lift with the cold beauty of the mountain sprawled out before me I was struck with excitement and the feeling that anything was possible. Swishing through the snow, thrilled with the speed of descent, I wondered how had I ever wound up working in an office? Certainly I should have been a competitive racer, a ski instructor who lived all year long in neon performance fabrics! In my mind colleagues typing away on laptops melted into happy goofy-hat wearing après-ski crowds who spent nights in the lodge listening to bad music and drinking whatever’s on tap. Why wasn’t I doing aerial ski stunts on a half-pipe in the Olympics or at least in a Mountain Dew commercial? Then…WIPE OUT! A patch of ice busts into my revelry, one ski flies off, goofy hat sails through air and my husband tries (unsuccessfully) not to laugh as he digs me out of a snow bank. Ah. That’s why. ‘Cause I’m a grown up, and one with a grown-up job. And back at work last Monday with a bruised elbow, full inbox and wilted office plant, I remembered feeling that acutely.



But then the phone rang; my client wanted to discuss their consumer launch, where we’ll introduce their brand to sports enthusiasts across the country. There is research to be done, communication outlets to explore, stories to write and new relationships to make! Fast forward one hour to next meeting, next client, a local startup…they are on the brink of signing some new business and suddenly need to be at a tradeshow. Time to draft an announcement and secure media appointments! Next up, next client, team brainstorm. How can we make a product that has been around a while, fresh to the same audience? After 20 minutes we have a whole list of new ideas. By the end of the day, I was feeling the same excitement that I felt at the top of the mountain…and it lasts longer and doesn’t end with a bruised elbow or snow in the ear. That’s one of the things I like most about working in public relations – the excitement.  Here at Matter we truly become a part of our client’s team, jumping in to study the ins and outs of their businesses, continuously learning new things.  Each client has different goals and we find creative ways to meet them – and no two days are ever the same! Of course we handle each client project with a certain business acumen, one based on research, skill and experience. But  just like pulling on your gear before you hit the slopes, it’s all really prep for the excitement to come.