Tis the season – for awards, that is! It seems this is the time of year that there are hundreds of awards you can submit your stellar PR work for – and that’s the issue. How do you make sure you continue that stellar work and have time to submit for awards? Here are some tips to help you efficiently and effectively submit:
- Research – create a file with award information, i.e. deadlines, categories, submission process (online or mail in) and cost
- Decide – figure out what awards would be most beneficial to your company and clients, then make a list of the awards you are going to submit for – you would rather submit ten great submissions, instead of 100 average submissions
- Prepare – give yourself your own deadlines – preferably a week or two before the actual submission deadline – that way your submissions are always on time in case something comes up
- Meet – have a meeting with the team you’re submitting an award for and make sure you have all the information you need to write a kick-ass submission
- Write – write, write and write some more – write down all the information you have, then edit your submission down so its creative, concise and compelling – that’s what judges want
- Proofread – have multiple people proofread your submission, then double check that you have everything required to submit
- Submit – once you feel confident with your submission it’s time to enter – on time!
- Win – when you win awards it’s important to promote via a press release, social media, on your website and in new business pitches – you’re an award winning PR agency, who wouldn’t want to work with you!
If you follow these tips, hopefully your award storm won’t be a Nor’easter – you can focus on your top notch PR work that will win these awards for you and bring in some new business along the way! So what do you think, how’s your PR award storm going to be this year?