I moved to Boston a little over two years ago from a far off desert land with cacti aplenty. People always ask why I decided to leave a perfectly warm locale. I suppose this question is about as equal in logic as, “Why would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane?” Both answers are precisely the same: for the thrill.
I moved to Boston for the thrill of entrenching myself in a new culture. The adventure of learning about the landmarks, parks, restaurants, cobblestone streets, beaches that tie together to create a city that is equal parts modern and traditional, liberal and conservative, sophisticated and saucy.
What I didn’t realize when I packed up and moved was that New England’s culture isn’t entirely defined by the places, events and food (though I can’t complain about any of the above). The heart of the culture is its people.
The relationships I’ve formed is the lens through which I view the New England culture. Families are more than tight-knit. They are iron-clad. People are loyal. To their sports teams and to their pizza place.
I’ve not only found this in my personal relationships, but in my relationships at work and the culture that is Matter Communications.
Sure, work is challenging at times (as it should be). There are days you feel like pulling out your hair. Other days you swear that if you hear the words “due ASAP” one more time you might poke your eyes out. But through those times, it certainly helps to work with quality people who are there to listen and support you, and to work for a company that values its employees and strives to maintain a culture that is both challenging and fun.
So perhaps it sounds like I’m drinking the Kool-Aid. Well, I’m not. I’m just drinking the beer from the keg-o-rator and appreciating the people and culture that help affirm that my decision to move across the country was the right one.
Now I’m calling on all of my teammates to comment: why do you love Matter’s culture?