Boston Business Journal Honors Matter Communications as a 2012 "Best Places to Work" Winner
By Matter
Newburyport, Mass. – Matter Communications has been names a 2012 “Best Places to Work” winner by the Boston Business Journal. This award recognizes Matter’s achievements in creating a positive work environment that attracts and retains employees through a combination of employee satisfaction, working conditions and company culture.
Scott Signore, CEO of Matter said, “From our inception, we’ve made it a primary goal to nurture and cultivate a company environment that makes coming to work a good part of life for all of us. This award is affirmation from our incredible employees that we’re on the right track in achieving that goal.”
Companies were evaluated on the results of more than 18,000 employee-satisfaction surveys. Employees answered questionnaires that addressed such factors as their pride in the company, company encouragement, support and recognition of achievement and relationships with co-workers and supervisors. The results were analyzed and scored by assigning points to each question.
The top 25 companies in three size categories — small (20-100 employees), midsize (101-500 employees) and large (more than 500 employees) — will be recognized during a breakfast on June 1, 2012 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center and profiled in a special supplement of the Boston Business Journal.
“Our Best Places to Work event will again recognize the importance of cultivating a great workplace culture as a competitive advantage,” said Chris McIntosh, publisher of the Boston Business Journal. “Companies on our list can be justifiably proud of creating a high level of workplace satisfaction during an economy where traditional rewards like big raises and bonuses aren’t as easy to give. In good times and in bad, our results validate how the creation of the right corporate culture can create powerful business advantages. Employees are proud to work for companies that are about more than just business.”
For more event details, please visit