Quiz: What PR Program Fits Your Needs?

By Julianna Sheridan

Finding the right public relations partner can be a daunting task. There are endless options in each market with different offerings and approaches. From small boutique shops to global agencies, it’s difficult to identify the right PR program for your organization and its goals. Are you looking for traditional media relations? What about social and SEO/SEM capabilities? PR agencies now more than ever need to offer the full gamut to meet communications goals. At Matter, we’re continually expanding our range of capabilities to elevate brands and make an impact that drives ROI. Answer the questions below to identify what PR program fits your needs.


What size is your business?

A. Startup / Small Business

B. Mid-Size

C. Large / Enterprise


What type of industry do you operate in?

A. B2B

B. B2C

C. H2H (i.e. Retail, Medical Private Practice, Nonprofit)


How is your company funded?

A. Private company / investors

B. Public company

C. Personal money / seed funding / donations


What is the size of your customer base and are they willing to participate in PR?

A. A few customers nationally willing to be a reference

B. Many happy customers nationally/internationally willing to be a reference

C. My company has regional penetration or is in beta stage


How do you measure the success of PR?

A. Increased brand or product awareness

B. Increased relevancy around trends important to my industry / company

C. Increased sales and revenue


Have you worked with an agency before?

A. No, this is my first time working with an agency

B. Yes, I have worked with an agency but I am not currently engaged in a partnership

C. Yes, I am currently working with an agency


Are you looking for a long-term relationship with your agency?

A. I see PR as an extension of my company, but I need help identifying the opportunities

B. I am looking to have PR integrate with my full marketing communications program indefinitely

C. I am only looking for support for a specific project/campaign


What other marketing communications do you participate in? (i.e. advertising, SEO/SEM, email marketing, events, sponsorship)

A. My company does not participate in other marketing communications or only has 1 integration

B. My company is integrated with a full-scale marketing communications program

C. We are currently focused on direct sales only to attract customers


So, what does this all boil down to? Tally up your answers and find out below!


Mostly A’s

You’re perfect for Precision. Precision offers the same skillset and knowledge base as Matter, but at a scale and scope comfortable for your budget. Your team will tailor and prioritize your communications program so that it’s making the greatest impact for your business.


Mostly B’s

You’re ready for Matter’s full-scale brand elevation offering. At our core we’re media hounds and we’re ready to put our minds together to pursue creative, impactful campaigns for your company. By partnering with Matter you also have access to our creative and digital marketing services. We have it all in-house so that we can create a unified communications platform for you.


Mostly C’s

It might not be time for a full-fledged PR program, but Matter has an array of other services that your organization may benefit from as it continues to progress and grow, including:


Let’s get to work! Drop us a line, here.