Month: December 2010

2011 News Media: You got your news from what!?

As a newbie to the PR world, I’m learning something new every day. The same could be said, however, for the PR world itself. The other day, featured a piece called “10 Predictions for the News Media in 2011”, which discussed predictions about the manner in which people will gather news in the year 2011 (from smartphones, iPads, etc.). While this article touched on some… Read more »

Application Knowledge: A Powerful Tool

As a PR professional, there are never enough hours in the day.  A lot of times you are working on multiple projects in the same day and looking for ways to speed up menial tasks: cutting and pasting, reformatting text or the ever popular: creating hyperlinks.

What is a mentor?

I’ve had my share of mentors over the years and although each were unique in their own way, they all fell into one of three categories: Casual, Formal and Indirect.