Month: March 2017

How Delta and Lyft Capitalized on Competitor PR Crises

We often counsel our PR clients in times of crisis. With the rate at which news travels, it’s imperative to quickly respond and take control of a negative situation – before it takes control of the narrative. This hyper-aware and “always-on” mindset is not just important for companies reacting to their own bad news, but also for responding to a competitor’s PR nightmare. Recently we’ve seen… Read more »

What’s the Difference Between PR Goals, Strategies, and Tactics?

Understanding the difference between goals, tactics, and strategies will help you organize your PR efforts. But many PR pros misunderstand the difference or fail to map out the difference in writing. A lot of folks struggle to understand the difference. I’ve seen many a PR pro, and not just newbies, flummoxed when asked to explain the process. PR Goals Say you’re a consumer company that wants… Read more »

Should Your PR Program Sell Logic or Emotion?

Logical:Emotional as B2B:B2C Think about the last time you bought something – maybe your morning coffee, a refill on dish soap or your favorite midday snack. If you’re like most consumers, you likely purchased out of force of habit. These habits are driven familiarity, convenience and fulfillment of a basic human emotion whether hunger, desire or status. When you reached for that item, you likely didn’t put… Read more »

Startup Guide: How to Write Vision and Mission Statements

Writing a Vision Statement: The Why To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online – Amazon Unleashing the power of innovation and collaboration to create cutting-edge security solutions that will empower you to bring your business into the modern era of interconnectivity. – Sectigo To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by… Read more »

Let’s Get Real About PR Measurement & ROI

The question of how to measure the ROI of PR (and social media and influencer relations…) is as old as the industry itself. But we have collectively and consistently failed to come up with “the answer” that rings true to believers and satisfies skeptics. (Yes, both do exist!) The reason we have failed isn’t because we are lazy or stupid or unwilling to be accountable. It’s… Read more »

Do LinkedIn’s New Profile Updates Matter for Brands & B2B Marketing?

By now, you’ve likely noticed things are changing on LinkedIn – big time. This is the largest update for the platform since its initial launch. Navigation is more streamlined, the search bar has been optimized, you’re receiving personalized suggestions to make your profile stand out, and more. These changes are designed to make the platform easier to use, and more attractive to the average user. Don’t… Read more »

13 Questions To Ask When Choosing A New PR Agency

Picking a PR agency is a big decision, particularly for those that may have had sub-optimal experiences in the past or who have never run an agency search. Even experienced agency shoppers can find the process challenging. Let’s face it, you are making a major investment, which will immediately and directly impact your overall marketing budget – not to mention the future of your business. Having… Read more »

4 Tips For Applying For (And Landing!) Your First Job In PR

It’s usually in those last few months before college graduation, when reality sets in and the task of finding a job looms. Goodbye, cushy college life! Hello, real world. All of that course work and preparation over the past few years have led to this moment that once seemed impossibly far away. Questions like, Which job is best for my skill set? and Where do I… Read more »

Get Out There on International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day. All throughout the world, individuals, colleagues, friends, family members, businesses and organizations are showing their support of women with demonstrations that range from gentle encouragement to groundbreaking stands against oppression. I count myself as extraordinarily lucky to work alongside some of the most intelligent, most passionate, most driven women – nay, people – I’ve ever known.  But there are many women… Read more »