Month: April 2010

Watch Your Tone!

As PR pros we are always careful how we speak to reporters, clients, even our mothers. We choose our words carefully, making sure to provide the most factual yet vivacious descriptions possible. Of course there is a fine line between “emphasis” and “exaggeration,” and it’s a line that exists for photojournalists just as it does for us PR folk.  We can all remember varying cases where… Read more »

Eight is Enough: PR ranks in top ten of “America’s Most Stressful Jobs 2010” list

Today CNBC posted a countdown of the most anxiety-inducing professions in America, sourced from a survey. Aside from the outrageous omissions of corporate lawyer and Andy Dick’s personal assistant, it’s a well-reasoned register of vexing vocations. A cursory peek at the subject matter would tempt one to believe the listed jobs are day-in, day-out nightmares that no one would possibly desire. Not so it seems:… Read more »

In search of work-life balance

One of the great things about life at Matter is that we all respect the work-life balance. We live by our motto that the “results matter,” but within that focus we are understanding if a co-worker has to tend to a child’s doctor’s visit or deal with a personal appointment.

Strangers on a Plane

I have a confession. I love to talk with strangers. As a child you are told never to talk to (or take candy from) strangers, but now that I’m a grown woman, I have thrown this childhood no-no to the wind.

Musing from the Great Flood of 2010

Oh, the great flood of 2010. Friends and family from around the country reached out asking if we needed help, if we were evacuating. Over at my house, we didn’t get a drip of water in the basement. At my grandparents’ house it was another story. They live in a raised ranch in Warwick, Rhode Island – just 20 minutes away from me and their first… Read more »

Sharing more good news

Today’s edition of The Boston Globe features the article “Jobless rate falls, a first since ’07,” It takes a look how the Commonwealth’s jobless rate falling for the first time since 2007. The article highlights Matter as a company that is seeing growth and expansion.

Timing Matters

A few weeks ago, I caught the bug which – based on my unscientific and statistically unsound polling of colleagues, clients, friends, and family – seems to have struck most of the country in late March. Sick in bed for the day, with a fever of 102 and a queasy stomach, I picked up a favorite novel: Jane Austen’s Emma.

Matter Providence's New Digs…

Thrilled to say that the Matter Communications team in Providence, RI is settled into its new offices!  We didn’t move far (we’re even keeping the same suite number), but we did go from 1,620 sq. ft. to 2,800 and we’re using the space a lot more efficiently than we did previously.  We’ve got a sweet view of the Providence Capitol dome (and I-95, but you can’t… Read more »

Grab your Ray-Bans

According to The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of public relations specialists is expected to increase 24 percent during the 2008-18 decade, much more rapidly than the average for all other occupations. Don’t believe me? Try entering graphic designer, teacher, lawyer, or pharmacist into the online Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Sharing good news: growth and new clients make for an exciting start to 2010

Our hometown newspaper, the Newburyport Daily News, was kind enough to include information about our continued growth and success in yesterday’s edition, pointing to our recent announcement that we’ve doubled our office space in Newburyport and Providence and are looking to add more incredible PR professionals to our team.

Down to the Wire

Thoughtful preparation months in advance. Planning phone calls with the client. Carefully crafted press releases and pitches. Emails filled with logistics. No matter how much preparation – whether it’s for a two hour media event, two day media tour or week long trade show – events always seems to come down to the last minute. Events are a crucial part of what we do in the… Read more »

And the Award Goes to …

Let me put it out there right away. I GET why industry awards are important for those of us in the PR business. They’re a stamp of approval from people who know a lot about PR. An honor that separates us from other agencies. Proof that somebody appreciates all those long hours and skipped lunches. A signal to prospective clients that those people at Matter know what… Read more »