Tag: matter communications

Sharing good news: growth and new clients make for an exciting start to 2010

Our hometown newspaper, the Newburyport Daily News, was kind enough to include information about our continued growth and success in yesterday’s edition, pointing to our recent announcement that we’ve doubled our office space in Newburyport and Providence and are looking to add more incredible PR professionals to our team.

(I’ll) Never Walk Alone

In November 2006, I came to my first in-person interview at Matter in a state of high excitement: not only had a preliminary phone interview led me to believe that I had found my dream PR agency, but it was the first time I’d donned heels and lipstick in over a month. My husband and I had welcomed our son to the world in late September,… Read more »

PMA or bust … or just a bust?

The Photo Marketing Association conference and trade show kicks off next Friday and, like everyone else in the industry who will be in attendance, I’m eager to see how things pan out. Much has been said about the success of the show and the future of this event since last fall, when Canon announced that it would not be exhibiting and several companies followed suit.

Merry metrics

This time of year is brutal. We’ve hit Reality Check Season here at Matter. In addition to the regular, end-of-year PR stresses of chasing reporters and stories, staying on top of the latest holiday trends, and planning for the New Year ahead, we fine PR pros subject ourselves to something called metrics.

Be prepared: not just a good motto for Boy Scouts…

As a former Boy Scout (okay, full disclosure: I lasted maybe one year…), the importance of “being prepared” was hammered into my head quite a bit when I was growing up. Honestly, it’s still probably one of the best pieces of advice anyone’s ever given me in life. Especially in PR, preparation is everything.